About This Video A collaboration between Dead Gentlemen Productions and Zombie Orpheus Entertainment, this fan-funded series has thrilled and entertained audiences since 2010. Following the adventures of Perf, a dyslexic wizard, Nara, an elf seeking the destiny she is owed, Carrow, a cleric with a minor death problem, and Glorion, a fighter who mistakes slaughter for bravery, this first season introduces the stakes—a foul-mouthed sword of destiny who wants a new owner—that will escalate into a major power struggle in seasons two and three. Featuring Dead Gentlemen's trademark combination of laugh-out-loud humor and sympathetic characters, this season investigates the idiosyncrasies of the orcish language, exactly how bards get the drop on the best stories, and the best way to beat a trap-ridden dungeon. This uninterrupted cut of the show presents the story as the creators intended. Seasons One and Two are currently available on Steam through HD streaming. Season Three is currently funding on Kickstarter and is slated to begin production in April of 2016. 7aa9394dea Title: JourneyQuest Season OneProduction:Zombie Orpheus Entertainment, Dead Gentlemen Productions, Kairos ProductionsDistributor:Zombie Orpheus EntertainmentRelease Date: 1 Oct, 2010Country: United StatesVideo Resolution: 1080p(1.8GB)Aspect Ratio: 16:9Audio: StereoRunning Time: 47 minutes JourneyQuest Season One Download] [PC] An absolutely incredible start to one of my favorite webseries. Frequently laugh-out-loud hilarious, but also thoughtful with its characters, it will absolutely keep you invested.. Love this series, and for this price, I couldn't help myself. These are the guys that made the cult classic student film The Gamers, and have continued to make hilarious fantasy comedy for years. From a knight that believes that killing and vanquishing anything in his path is an honorable lifestyle (and don't worry, he's far too brave to spare the elderly), to a barbarian king who dares to enforce cruel punishments on his subjects like free education and upwards mobility based on merit, this show loves to play with our beloved fantasy tropes. I can not reccomend it enough.. If you've seen and loved Dorkness Rising, this series will not disappoint! Perf is a lot like Rincewind from Discworld; a horrible wizard and runs from everything.. Very funny, must buy it ! I didn't know anything about this before seeing it on sale on the steam store and after watching some episodes of the first season I bought the second now I watched both I'm waiting for the third one !. Lactomancy is OP.. JourneyQuest is an amazing story focused on a somewhat bumbling group of heros on a quest for a magic sword. Along the way they encounter and break a bunch of tropes of the genre (my favorite being that the orcs are quite intelligent and in ones case compassionite). If youre a gamer, I can pretty much guarentee that you will wind up quoting some part of this show at your next game night. Well worth it at twice (or ya know an even more flattering number, since they priced it so low) the price.
JourneyQuest Season One Download] [PC]
Updated: Mar 9, 2020